NDIS Support Coordinator & Founder

Danielle Loizou-Lake

 Hi there, 

I’m Danielle, founder of Paper Planes Support Coordination. 

As a health professional and an NDIS Participant, I started Paper Planes because I wanted to help people make the most of their NDIS opportunity. 

I know that the NDIS can be hard to navigate. But, it doesn't have to be. Together with my team, we help you make the most of your NDIS opportunity by exploring different options and guiding you through each one. 

I started my career in Health Science and I’ve been working in Disability Support Services with Assistive Technology providers and government agencies for a decade. I love my work and I’m proud to advocate for better policy, the rights of people with disability, and improved access to community and quality health services. 

As an NDIS participant, I live with incomplete paraplegia after a skiing accident almost 20 years ago. The NDIS is a big part of my work and it’s also part of my personal life. The NDIS has assisted me to live my life to its fullest potential and I want to help you do the same. 

pretty lady in wheelcahir pulling a conga line of kids on rollerskates

Our Team Makes The Difference

We’re all a little bit different — and that’s a great thing. Each member of the Paper Planes team brings something to the table as experts in areas of disability, community, health and beyond.  

Our wide range of knowledge and skills helps us to give you the best information and get you the best outcome. The Paper Planes Support Coordination team includes Occupational Therapists, parents of children with disabilities, disabled athletes, and health professionals. Every team member has some personal experience of disability and navigating the NDIS. And, we all share the values of respecting the rights of people with disability and an inclusive world. 

We Amplify and Share Your Voice

We are actively involved in community organisations. Members of our team sit on boards, work within committees and are part of advocacy groups. We bring our experience in support coordination to these forums to make sure that the rights of people with disability are heard and considered in the development of policies and services.